Sustainability – It is all about People – Don Uri

We often get asked: “What the most important thing about sustainability for you at Cayuga?”  And the answer is simple.  It is all about people.  While saving energy and utilities is important, the well-being of the local communities where we operate is our number one priority.  And it all starts with our staff.  Meet Uri […]

Sustainability – It is all about People – Dona Amparo

We often get asked: “What the most important thing about sustainability for you at Cayuga?”  And the answer is simple.  It is all about people.  While saving energy and utilities is important, the well-being of the local communities where we operate is our number one priority.  And it all starts with our staff.  Meet Amparo […]

Why we don’t fire our staff in low season!

Costa Rica has very pronounced tourism seasons.   Christmas vacation through spring break is the high season with high occupancy (and rates) across the country.  And then comes the low season (we like to call it the green season), and hotel occupancies drop sharply.  This is especially true for Guanacaste that attracts more of a sun and beach […]