The Cayuga Green Futures Bond

At The Cayuga Collection of Sustainability Luxury Hotels, we continue to be strong today because we truly believe in the future of sustainable travel. We cannot wait to welcome you back again, and give you the most extraordinary experiences of your life. 

That’s why we’re proud to announce:

The Green Futures Bond

Green Futures is a new hotel-bond program created by The Cayuga Collection of Sustainable Luxury Hotels in Costa Rica, Panama & Nicaragua. 

For you, it is a safe, low-risk investment towards your future stay at The Cayuga CollectionFor our staff and our communities, it is a life line. Your investment will be used to support the staff at our hotels. The people who maintain our properties every day. Our line cooks. The cleaning staff. Nature Guides. And so many others, so that we can continue to make a positive impact in the communities in which we operate.


How Does it Work?

The Green Futures Bond is available to purchase for a limited time only, from May 1 – June 20th, 2020.


Receive a Generous Return. 

For every dollar you invest right now, you’ll earn a 100% return toward your Room Rate. This means if you purchase a $750 Bond, you’ll receive $1500 toward your luxury stay! 

And as a special thank you, we’ll also plant a native tree in your name, so that your purchase will contribute to rainforest reforestation for many more years to come.


Take advantage of a Flexible Bond. 

Purchase your Green Futures Bond in increments of $250. Use your Bond for travel in 2020 and 2021 (*Holiday and President’s Week do not apply)


See More of Costa Rica, Panama & Nicaragua 

Purchase a Bond for every hotel in the Cayuga Collection in which you’d like to visit.


Give the Gift of Sustainable Travel. 

Purchase a Green Futures Bond for yourself or purchase a Bond for your favorite person. Rest assured that your Bond is totally transferable.

To Purchase Your Green Futures Bond, email:, or click below:

Meet The Participating Hotels


Make Your Journey to

Costa Rica, Nicaragua & Panama

To Purchase Your Green Futures Bond, email:, or click below:


Please note:

  • Bond applies to the Room Rate only. Exceptions: Jicaro Island, Nicaragua and Isla Palenque, Panama, where rates include the complete island experience
  • Bond cannot be combined with other offers or promotions that already reflect a reduced Room Rate



Green Futures Bond VIDEO UPDATE!

June 3rd, 2020

8 Responses

  1. Hello – This seems like a great idea – as a way of you receiving cash upfront to keep your
    enterprises survivable.

    However- there is a risk for the ” tourist investor ”

    If your organisation does not survive this crisis then – potentially – my investment would be lost .

    It would help if you could explain whether the group is structured such that if one hotel goes bust – is the bond useable for any of the other ( surviving ) hotels ? Or if one hotel goes bust – does that mean the whole ” group ” goes bust and brings all the hotels down with it ?

    No travel insurance policy would cover this investment – as it is not a deposit for a holiday – it is as it says – a Bond.

    Having said all that I think your idea is very good – and the benefits potentially very generous.

    It is a huge worry that as a result of this crisis that our favourite holiday destinations, groups
    and hotels may not be there when we need them !

    Keep well Ian Jacobs

    1. Dear Ian,
      thanks for your comment. You are absolutely right. There is a risk involved. And in the end, it is about trust. In this world today, there are no guarantees. But we have been doing sustainable tourism in Central America successfully for over 20 years and had some very good years prior to this crisis. We are in reasonably good shape. Struggling like everybody else, but I know that we will make it. We also have the advantage that each hotel is owned independently and the owners of the hotels don’t necessarily see the hotels as their business, but more as their “baby”. They will fight hard – together with us – to do whatever it takes to make sure you can use your bond in the future. So Ian, go for it. Buy those bonds and get ready to come back to the Cayuga Collection Hotels and Lodges very soon.

  2. Hello. My wife and I visited Arenas Del Mar for nine years in a row, and then we started going to other South American countries. We wish to visit Costa Rica again. I want to make sure I understand the green bond program. The 2021 rate for a premium room from February 21 to February 28 is $1,050 per night. For 7 nights that totals $7,350. Are you saying I can have those 7 nights for $3,675 if I buy the green bonds during the purchase period?

    1. Dear Steven, thanks for your comment and how great that you want to come back to Arenas del Mar again. Yes, you are right about the concept of the Green Future Bonds. Just a detail with the rate. The Ocean View Premium Suite has a rack rate of $1130 tax included so that the total value is $7910 for seven nights and you only pay $3995. Simple, generous and positive. Our reservations team would be happy to assist you. You can write to us at We hope to see you soon.

  3. Hiya, I’m amazed at how thoughtful and considerate you have been in your response to covid 19. We stayed with you in 2013 with our friends and we treasure our memories. We’re unlikely to return to Costa Rica again in the next couple of years, but it’s our friends anniversary coming up in May. It would be lovely to have a tree planted in their name. Could you offer that as an option, say 100 dollars?

    1. Dear Michelle,
      thank you so much for your comment and we are glad that we were able to create some “treasured memories”. This is what we hold on to right now. Of course, we would be happy to plant a tree for your friends. I will reach out to you and get the details. Keep in touch and we really hope you can come back some time soon.

  4. I respect and appreciate your honesty and transparency, if someone goes ahead they cannot later say they did not know there was risk. However for anyone a little less savvy I would prefer it was in your blurb so they understand clearly if the specific hotel goes bankrupt their bond is lost and not transferable to another hotel in the collection. Also as your financial accounts are not exposed this is not a sensible investment but an emotional one. I considered it and was tempted, I understand fully it is not a scam and love your positive attitude but will decline the offer as an informed guest. Just please make sure everyone understands fully the risk/gain for long term goodwill and to be completely fair.

    1. Dear Naomi,
      thanks for your comment on our Green Futures Program. It is very important for everybody to understand that there are no intentions here to mislead. I will take your advice and make sure that when anybody is interested in purchasing the bonds, that they understand that there is a small risk involved. As I mentioned in my response to Ian below, the hotels that Cayuga manages are in very good financial condition because of solid management and unconditional support from our owners. If you don’t feel 100% comfortable buying the bonds right now, but you want to support us, you can also make a reservation for the future at any of our hotels. It helps us to see our reservation books fill again for 2021. And with our Hassle-Free Pre-payment and Cancellation Policies that we implemented in March, there is really zero risk involved. As you said, this is a lot about an emotional investment to help a cause that you like. Please feel free to reach out to me again if you have any further questions.

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Hans Pfister

Co-owner & President